I have no idea what tonight's theme is, so I have no idea who has a leg up tonight, though I am sure that Danny, Adam, and Kris will be safe.
Standards? Hmm... I am curious as to how the whole originality vs. butchering a classic song debate will go tonight. This could be a weird one.
Seems like it's songs from the rat pack. I love me some Dean Martin.
Jamie Foxx is the mentor? Interesting!

Jamie gives great kudos to Kris before he sings. I like the first half more than the second half (the faster part), but I still think it was a great job. He connects so well to the song. I hope he gets the votes, because I like him. The judges rave, and you can tell they are trying to make this a three-horse race.

Newly seventeen, Allison tries to tap into an experience base that she's not familiar with. She does a very nice job with it. I am not doing backflips, but it was very nice. Judges are mainly VERY positive. Simon thinks she's in trouble.

Hard song to sing. Nice job, but again: no backflips. It's hard to judge at this point in the competition. No one is making any huge blunders. Judges are mixed. Paula and Simon like it.

I think Danny's voice is perfect for this song. The smokiness of his tone fits this well. I have been waiting for one of these performances from Danny for a while. This one is a keeper. Great job! My fave of the night so far. Judges are all on board.

Pure concert performance. He puts on a wonderful performance every time out. His singing chops are unparalleled on the show. I thought Danny's might have been better overall, but Adam cannot be denied. Judges gush.
My faves of the night were Danny, Adam, and Kris. Allison and Matt weren't bad, but not up to the other three.
I have no idea who's going home.
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