I hate how the producers feel the need to have Ryan and Simon continue to pretend to be scorned lovers. It comes across as desperate and not the entertaining brand either. Find some better schtick.
Judge's save is still in effect. They can save the person voted off IF they are in agreement. Let's hope they don't use it this season.
David Cook takes on Jumping Jack Flash and shows how weak this season's group is.
Ford Video is not as cheesy as I would like. No chance for the group to show off their personalities. Hard to do, I guess, when you don't have much to work with. Ouch.
They got to design their own paint jobs. Cool stuff. Maybe some of them will find career opportunities when they get booted off Idol.
Paige is in the bottom three. Yay! Is it wrong for me to cheer someone else's misfortune? Schadenfreude is in full effect!
Lee is safe. I hope he can develop a stage presence, because he has a good voice.
Siobhan is being labeled as this year's Adam Lambert. Dangerous business that. She has the drama and the unique factor but not quite the chops... She is safe though. Duh.
Aaron Kelley is safe. I'm glad that grandmas know how to use the phone. He has a good voice and should be around for five or six more weeks.
Andrew is safe, and Tim is in the bottom three. I TOTALLY miscalculated the teeny bopper vote. Though Tim should be a lock to go home, I truly thought he wouldn't be in the bottom three due to the X factor. And in this case the X factor is that teenage girls would ADORE him. I guess I should give today's youth more credit than I have.
Orianthi is introduced as a pioneer in rock. A pioneer, really? She seems to be an awesome guitarist, but the song (and her voice) was mediocre at best.
Didi is safe. Good. I like her.
Crystal is safe as is expected.
Katie is given conflicting opinions about what style she should sing and then is told she is safe. I don't understand why. Am I alone in not liking her at all?
Big Mike is safe. No surprise here.
Casey and Lacey are next up. Lacey is in the bottom three. Casey is safe. That's about right.
Paige, Tim, and Lacey are in the bottom three. If they could get rid of all three this week, that would make the show SO much better.
If the judges use their save to save any of these, I will forever swear off this show.
Of course I wouldn't, but still, I would gripe TONS!
Tim is safe. He lives to torture another song and another audience next week.
I am fine with either of the girls going home.
Ke$ha sings next. She seems like a lame knock off of Lady Gaga. She did have two of the whitest (read lamest) rappers I've seen in a long time. I thought the dancing televisions were cool though.
Apparently, the girls are roommates. One goes home; the other can take endless showers.
Lacey is going home. Paige lives to be inconsistent another day.
Lacey gets to sing for her American Idol life. Thankfully, the unliked contestant can sing a song of their choice. It is painful to hear someone sing the same song that got them voted off.
The death video plays. and Lacey cries. Katie also cries, because she knows she should be the one who is going home.
TiVo cuts off, so I don't hear what the theme for next week is. Anyone catch it? I'd like to know what singer (or genre) will have their songs slaughtered next week.
One down; eleven more to go.
More later.