Tonight's episode only focuses on the island and Desmond's exploits. None of the Oceanic Six make an appearance.
No questions are "really" answered, though there are some new surprises and some hints as to some bigger goings-on.
More info after the click.
We start again in an indeterminate time period, though we can assume it is shortly after their escape from the island.
They have a baby. Penny and Desmond are obviously living on foreign soil (waterways).
Back on the island more redshirts die in a trap.
Charlotte is having dizziness and double-vision. It is obvious that the time-jumping is bothering her system, just as it did to Desmond earlier, the two guys from the freighter, and the guy who appeared to Locke last season (chopping down wood for the cabin [Jacob's cabin?]).
Why do only some of them suffer this way? Desmond would have had it not been for his contact with Penny on the freighter. He needed something to bridge his past and his displaced present.
Do all of these people exist in a time that they should not exist? If so, when should Charlotte exist?
It seems that the islanders have been flashed to the early days of the Others or Dharma.
Here's something that has been bothering me since last week, and they brought it up again tonight. Why would Desmond not remember his encounter with Faraday so long after it happened. What happened to his memory of that before? Figuring out how in the world Desmond ticks goes a long way into explaining the secrets of time travel.
Is Desmond leading two different existences with them coinciding from time to time? Dunno. Now, I'm confusing myself.
Latin is the language of the enlightened and the Others.
Desmond and Penny named their baby Charlie.
The islanders are confused for U.S. soldiers (their existence on the island is confirmed by Miles' picking up on the graves).
Richard looks the same as he always does, same as he always does.
So a bomb is on the island. The U.S. government involvement is now explained a bit.
When Desmond is trying to track down Faraday's mom, he doesn't seem to be able to recall the year he met him. Why not?
Faraday lies and says he can render the bomb inert and professes his love for Charlotte.
Locke is totally embracing the idea that he the new leader of CrazyTown (as described by Sawyer).
Desmond tracks down a girl who Faraday was experimenting on, Theresa Spencer. Her sister Abigail explains that Faraday abandoned her as she is now in a state where she is either comatose or talking about events form her past (like talking to her dad who had died five years prior).
Widmore was the benefactor of all of Faraday's experiments and are paying medical bills for Theresa. Abigail seems angry that Faraday ran off.
On the island, Juliet admits that Richard is very old and has always been here. Makes me think that he might have arrived on the Black Rock.
Elle, one of the Others seems familiar to Faraday. Why? Possibilities later.
Desmond gets info on Faraday's mom's whereabouts from Widmore. She's in L.A. Widmore tells
Des to disappear again and to protect Penny. It seems like Widmore is scared that Ben Linus might follow through on his threat to kill her. (Looks to me like this a certainty to happen this season.)
Locke approaches Richard and tells him that Jacob sent him (obviously Jacob is in charge even at this time).
In a major shocker, it is revealed that Widmore is actually an Other. That is something to think about, but it does sort of explain his opposition to Ben Linus.
Through Locke and Richard's conversation, it seems that Richard might be aware of the supernatural nature of the island (Jacob, etc.) but seems perplexed by discussion of time travel. Interesting.
Off-the-Wall theories and questions: (None of these could come to fruition but these are things to think about).
--Elle the Other is actually a younger Theresa Spencer (his lab rat, so to speak). What if at the same time that she is in a hospital bed, she also is experiencing her life at different times. Or is that too Matrix-y? Maybe Faraday helper her go back in time to connect with her father. They wouldn't have brought up the dead father unless it was important. So who would the father be? Another Widmore kid?
--How connected is Faraday to this island? And what is the importance of his connection to Charlotte. What if Charlotte is actually Faraday's daughter? Faraday might have fathered her on a trip further back in time which explains his deep feelings.
--Or on the other hand, what if Charlotte is Faraday's mom? It has been hinted that Charlotte was born on the island. Maybe through some timeline mumbo jumbo, his mom exists in real time (in L.A. now and also on the island.) This could be a shell shock if Desmond knocks on the door in LA only to discover an aged Charlotte. That would be a jaw-dropper you must admit.
--Why does Island Widmore's shirt say Jones? I can't remember. Do they change your identity when you become a member of Dharma? If so, why does Richard still call him Widmore?
--What is the importance of Charlie Part II? It is very likely that Charlie could end up being someone who plays an important part in the show. Someone of mysterious origin. Maybe Jacob? Remember, Richard said that leaders are usually chosen from a long process starting when they are young.
--BIG QUESTION--Remember that three years have passed since the Oceanic Six have left the island, yet we are seeing what is happening on the island immediately following their escape. How will these time lines connect when the Six inevitably return.
I hope it doesn't take all season for the return to the island.
I know I'm forgetting some stuff I have been thinking about, but this will give you all an opportunity to share your theories.
I am looking forward to reading them.
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