Tonight better be better than last night as I found it to be most disappointing. Click below to see my thoughts.
Let me start by saying that I hate seeing previews before a show. I really do. That is one of the joys of TiVo. I understand commercials nights before, but right before the show? I like to kind of guess whether or not a contestant will be any good or not. These pre-show teasers ruin a lot of suspense for me. Hate it. I also hate it when the show teases what's going to happen right after the break. Are the producers that scared that we will turn away? This is American Idol for crying out loud!
Wasted time.
Yay. Horse racing comparisons from Ryan and the judges all night long. Can they make glue out people?
Bleach blond Tiffany Shedd is awful. Stop wasting my time. She's not even funny. How can her parents delude her to let her think she is good?
Philadelphia singer Joanna Pacitti (long, black hair) used to have a record contract with A&M, and it didn't work out. Shades of Carly Smithson? Honestly, she's pretty good, but I am not blown away. She might be better than what we saw, but I think she looks disposable. It would not surprise me if she makes it to America's Vote, but it also wouldn't surprise me if I long for her dismissal if she makes it to top 12. She's through to Hollywood.
Bad luck Mark Mudd sounds like a true Kentucky boy. He sings some George Jones and makes his exit quickly.
Blue shirted stubble boy Brent Keith Smith sings some Bad Company and can't stop stamping his foot. He sings very well, but I couldn't get past his FOOT TAPPING. Maybe it was nerves, but I don't see this kid lasting long. He's through. Maybe I'm just harder to please tonight.
What was with Paula and Cara going under the table? Did they think that was funny? Sigh.
Bad montage. Yawn.
Dueling pianist Matt Giraud has a unique singing style, but he sounds like he is struggling to breathe. His breathing is ultra distracting. If he can ditch the stylistic 'I'm having an asthma attack' vocal styling, he could be better. As it is now, just give the guy some oxygen and send him on his way. Instead, they put him through to Hollywood and praise him highly. I am not in sync with the judges tonight.
Pseudo-intellectual Ross Plavsic seems to me like he is putting on an act. I don't think he is for real.
Memphis native and mom Alexis Grace can belt! It seems like it is too much at times, but she seems to be singing with raw emotion and good tone. I am intrigued by this one. First time tonight I really sat up and took notice. I don't know how she will do on other, softer songs, but I like her.
Mega-happy smiling guy Aaron Williamson sings some CCR at 11. He must be fun at parties. Great attitude; wrong time.
(Anyone catch Simon's dis of Tyra Banks? Catty!)
Cheat sheet interviewee Rebecca Garcia sings poorly and Cara thinks it must be a joke. Awkwaaard. Guess not.
Quick Golden Ticket Snapshots:
--Kris Allen (newsboy hat) probably shows the best voice of the night (all five seconds of it)
--Felicia Barton is refreshing with some Corrine Bailey Rae.
--Ryan Johnson (David Cook hair) is better than most of what we've seen.
--Shera Lawrence shows nice vocal control bit is forgettable.
Leneshe Young, raised in poverty, sings an original song that shows off her style. She has a vibe going on. She's great in a quirky way! She knows who she is as a singer. That much is evident. How that meshes with what American Idol throws at her, who knows? But this is one I'm keeping my eyes on. A keeper. They saved the best for last in Kentucky! (Or the editors did.)
I was very unimpressed with the first half of this show, BUT I liked Leneshe Young tons and am very intrigued by Alexis Grace. The only guys of note for me this evening were shown in the BRIEF shots of Kris Allen and Ryan Johnson.
Everything else was a wash.
19 go through from Louisville.
Next stop: Jacksonville, Florida.
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