Apparently, this cool new thing I implemented over the weekend is BLOCKED by our servers at school. That means that people can't see any comments at school, getting rid of a large part of the viewership. I will go back to the old system of comments or find something better.
Okay, I have heard the voices of many and I have changed the comments system. I switched from using the default Blogger comments to Disqus.
Disqus has many bells and whistles that are worth checking out. This should make it easier to follow threads in which you show interest and actually comment on other people's comments in a visually obvious way.
Do me a favor and play around by posting some comments to this post. If you notice problems, let me know.
Here's what you must do. Hit comments (as usual). Type in your comment.
Then you may either
1. Select Unclaimed (this is like anonymous). The problem is that when you do this, you may not get an email back telling you that someone has replied to your comment.
2. Select Register. This is the preferred choice. You just type in what username you want (you might need to use your first and last name which is what I did to get a unique one), email address and password. Then anytime someone responds to your email, you will automatically get an email letting you see the post.
3. Select Login. If you have already registered, just type in your username and password. If you always use the same private computer, when you click Login, it should already fill-in your info, so you don't have to enter ANY information again. Pretty simple. Again, all responses to your reply will go straight to you.
4. Facebook Connect. This is a new option that I am still figuring out. More about this soon.
Again, this site is as much yours as it is mine. If you see things that need to be fixed or know ways in which I can do this, let me know.
Only problem is that all of the older posts (prior to this) will have the old comment system. Only the new ones will have the new system. That's why I want you to comment on this post for testing purposes.
Thanks again!