Welcome back, Lost! I was worried as to how this season would start, but it seems like my worries were for naught. Spoiler thoughts when you click. Please post your thoughts; I'd like to hear them!
What an awesome beginning to the season.
I am sure that the time jumping will leave many scratching their heads (me included), but I really enjoy this.
Random thoughts:
I'm glad Faraday is on this show to shed some light on the whole time-jumping and to help establish some of the 'time manipulation' rules. I am not completely sure how these work (the single thread of time that cannot be altered), but I am enjoying the ride.
You can only interact with people who you interacted with prior to that moment when two people from different times are currently cohabiting?
So, when the island disappeared, I know it traveled in time, but where did it go physically? Did it go to a time after it was destroyed? Or to a time before it even existed?
[Off-Topic Note: Did anyone else squeal with glee upon recognizing one of the Kate-haranguing lawyers as Tom Irwin who played the father in "My So-Called Life"? Just me?]
The going back in forth between time periods on the island is tres' nifty.
Anyone else disappointed that we didn't see the ghost of Boone?
Anyone else disappointed that we saw the ghost of Ana Lucia?
I like new bad-ass Sun. I don't know about her collaborating with Whitmore, but she sure seems determined.
It seems that the Others are part of the island, so as the island goes through time, so do they--while everyone else on the island is stationary.
OR is the island staying stationary and are the people the ones doing the time traveling?
It was good seeing some Hurley. Hugo episodes are always my favorite. I was surprised to see Cheech more likable in this episode. I was expecting him to continue to be the scum we were introduced to upon his last appearance.
So, Hurley seems to be the one who can have chats with the ghosts of island casualties.
Who washes knives in a dishwasher with the blades up? That's an accident waiting to happen. Tonight's episode was a case in point. Get it? Case in POINT.
Locke has to die to save the island? What is the importance of saving the island? Saving the inhabitants of the island, or are there more wide-reaching implications?
It was nice seeing Neil, an expendable character, get annoying and then die with a flaming arrow in the chest. It was like Dr. Arzt revisited. ("I got Arzt on me.")
What is the importance of Charlotte's nosebleed? She said she hadn't had one since she was a kid. Is this a way to tell us that the people on the island are the ones that are doing the time travel as opposed to the island traveling through time?
Who is the new group of people on the island that attack Sawyer and Juliet? Where are they from? When are they from?
The old lady is Ben's superior? Is she Faraday's mom in Oxford?
Anyone have thoughts? Answers? More questions?
What a tangled, fun, fun, fun web we weave...
Monte, you're awesome.
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of your thoughts/observaish.
Which two peeps are cohabitating from diff times? Des and Penny? I thought they were in the same time at the time they reconnected.
I also thought the knives were irresponsibly loaded...especially for a "safe" house!
I was wondering about the island disappearing as well. And if it did move to another time before/after it existed, how would there be anything to cause those cute little ripples in the ocean when it disappeared?!
I was surprised to see Ana Lucia. Not so much because she's dead, but more so because I thought I heard she was whacked from the show because Michelle Rodriguez got into some legal trouble. Empty rumor maybe.
When I saw Charlotte's nosebleed, it instantly made me think of the tree choppin' Dharma guy with the long hair and big forehead that Locke ran into in the woods ("Maybe that's because I've been dead for the last 16 years..."). He also had a nosebleed. I think this means that the new time that Farraday and Charlotte have jumped to is past the time that Charlotte is supposed to have died (naturally in normal, non-time-jumping life). She's done for.
I thought the people that attacked Sawyer and Juliet were with the Dharma Initiative. I didn't see the logo, but the jumpsuits with the name patches made me think of that. May be wrong on that one.
Good work. Keep it up. Maybe we'll talk AI soon.
YES! Lost is back!
ReplyDelete1. I am excited about the time jumping even though everyone keeps reminding me that the writers and producers said early on that time traveling wasn't going to be part of the show.
2. Boone- yes
3. Ana Lucia- Yes
4. Wasn't it implied that Charlotte was born on the island. Maybe it has something to do with that.
5. I think the people attacking them on the island are Widmores people.
Here's my $0.02
ReplyDeleteThey people are time travelling, not the island....no facts to back it up...just a feeling.
Charlotte's nosebleed relates to the red shirt in the opening, Goodspeed, Roger Linus, Minkowski and, to a lesser extent Desmond. Island power source + nosebleed+ impending doom.
Side note...could Charlotte be Ben's childhood sweetie?? Longshot I know given the age differences....maybe she's his real daughter. SHe is anmes after CS Lewis...Alice in WOnderland after all......anything goes.
My first thought about the guys at the end, one of whom Locke kills, was that they were US soldiers WWII vintage. I seem to recall that there was a listening post on a nearby island during WWII which later was the source of the sppread of the Venzetti Equation (am I spelling that right?). But, then again, they could be Dharma.
The time travel angle is interesting, because Desmond can ignore the rules, and Faraday can manipulte the rule cause he knows the bigger picture. I think the woman IS Faraday's mother, and it will ultimately be revealed that she is like Desmond, and Faraday himself may have a genetic/chronal leg up because of it.
Locke having to die.......well, maybe his death is meant to b e the catalyst to bring the 6 back together and get them to return.....and there the island can revive him.
My guess is that the survivors continue to bounce thru time and eventually become the "Hostiles"
I have some thoughts, most along the same lines as Monte, remember the guy on the freighter though who died while Sayid and Desmond were being held against their will? I thought he got a nosebleed, went crazy, and died due to the time travel stuff. Didn't something like that also happen to Desmond?
ReplyDeleteThe interacting I was talking about was between Faraday and Desmond, but I am trying to get my head around what Desmond truly is. (More thoughts about this in a later post.) Faraday says that nothing can be changed, yet he does.
A lot of this becomes moot when we see tons of time-to-time interaction in "Jughead."
Good point about the water ripples. Makes you go, "Hmm..." Or makes the writers go, "We forgot the ripples!"
Yes, I forgot all about the prior nosebleeds. I will discuss this in my next post.
Way to call the attackers as being early-Dharmaites.
Thanks for posting! Keep the comments flowing.
We can talk Idol anytime you wish!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting!
Yes, it was implied that she was born on the island. I have a theory about Charlotte that makes me vomit a little in my nouth, but I'll save that one for my "Jughead" post. But I think you're right, she's a goner.
Great call about the people being Widmore's people, but you left out that Widmore was one of them! How could you have known!
Keep the thoughts rolling!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting! Awesome ideas, and I agree with many of them.
I think you are right about the nosebleed (especially after the events of "Jughead").
Very interesting idea about Charlotte being Ben's sweetie. I have an idea about her (in my next full post) which could shed complicate this plot further.
I'm still grappling with Desmond's place in the timeline, but you are clearly right about Faraday being able to play it like a guitar.
And Locke's death being the catalyst to bring all of them together, eventually bringing him back to life, makes a lot of sense as well. No one really dies on this show, right? Right?
Or does everyone? (;
Keep the comments coming!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting! Next time, use your name, ya coward! (;
You are right about the nosebleed. I seem to have totally blanked on that. Faraday found his constant and lived. If Troy is right about Charlotte being Ben's old flame, then maybe Ben is her constant.
Ben comes back; Charlotte lives.
I love it when a plan comes together!
Keep the ideas coming!
I totally knew that guy was Widmore!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait until the next post!
ReplyDeleteThat was a shock to me. It seems like we are going to see tons of people crossing over in different appearances in location and time.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts!