So, I've said my peace about the behind-the-scenes workings of AI.
Now to see what they have actually chosen, so we can dissect the choices.
I'll make this short and sweet.
Two hours to announce 36 names? Really? Man, this seems like too much time.
I am really going to concentrate on making this to the point.
This year we're in a mansion. This year we're having sing-offs. This year we're taking TWO HOURS to announce 36 names.
Even with sing-offs, I'm still convinced that everything is very planned. These sing-offs could help create some sympathy for the survivors, helping them beat out weaker selectees.
Anoop is up first. I will sell my spleen if he doesn't make it through. That's how sure I am that he will make it. He makes it.
My spleen is safe. For now.
Von Smith, the loud singer, is up next. They take him but basically warn him not to blast all of the time. Good advice. He can sing, but I will like him more if he doesn't scream anymore.
Cody Sheldon, the amateur horror filmmaker, has to sing for his survival.
Alex Wagner-Trugman, my geek de-friend, is called to sing against him.
Cody sings well. Not great. Well.
Alex sings well. Not great. Well. I think that Alex sings with more emotion, which I think gives him the edge, but Cody looks more comfortable singing.
Alex is in; Cody is out. I can now say that I was Facebook friends (albeit for a short time) with a Top 36 contestant BEFORE he made it. I wonder if that will fit on my tombstone.
I really feel awful for both of them. That really is awkward.
Adam Lambert, theater boy, has got to be a sure thing. Yes, he's theatrical, but man, is he good. No sing-off needed for Adam. He's in.
Taylor Vaifanua, who I don't really remember, had ups and downs and is a maybe. She's in, but I need to see more of her to see if she is a keeper.
Jasmine Murray, the 16 year old, is in.
Ariana Afsar is in. I forget her. She'll be gone first week.
Casey Carlson. Forgettable. In now, but eventually, out.
Megan Corkrey I think I liked once upon a time. She's in, so we shall see.
Mishavonna Henson in.
Stevie Wright in.
(I think the girls are going to have to be GREAT due to the lack of air time they are getting.)
Joanna Pacitti (ex-Annie) is up. Montage of her forgetting her words. A lot.
She makes it. I guess that speech that Simon gave about being out if you forget they lyrics was just rhetoric.
T.K. Hash doesn't make it. No big loss.
Chris Chatman does not make it. Who was he?
Reggi Beasley does not make it. Who?
Kendall Beard (possible Longhorn) didn't impress me much before, but who knows?
She's in, but I guarantee that she'll be out early. Hook 'em!
By the way, am I the only one who is a little bored by the freak-outs? "It's not great news. It FANTABULOUS news!" C'mon!
Kristen McNamara and Jenn Korbee (half of an AI wannabe couple) have to sing for survival. I actually wasn't crazy for either.
Kristen is going through. I guess I have to hear her say "Nugget" over and over again. Sigh.
Simon disagrees with the decision. I'm totally ambivalent about the decision.
Alexis Grace (new mom) can sing, and she makes it. Here's a female singer that stands out. Finally.
Scott McIntyre, visually-impaired guy, is definitely in. Duh.
Lil Rounds impressed me in the first round, but I thought she oversang in Hollywood. I am pretty sure she's on. She's in. Another girl that stands out to me. At times her voice reminds me of Latoya London (one of my all-time favorite AI singers)... when she's not oversinging.
Felicia Barton is out.
Ashley Hollister is out.
Devon Baldwin is out.
Frankie Jordan, stay-at-home mom, has to sing against Jesse Langseth, who we've just met. Frankie sings first and sings VERY well. Jesse is soulful but a bit too much. I couldn't understand what she was singing. They go with Jesse. Frankie's going home.
Jesse will be close behind her, going home REALLY soon.
Shera Lawrence is out.
Derik Lavers is out.
Who are these people?!
Allison Iraheta is a bit of a firecracker when she sings. She's in.
Danny Gokey is up. My spleen is back on the block. I am certain he will make it. He's in. Duh.
Jamar Rogers, Danny's friend, is up. He's a no. I'm really disappointed. Would he have won the whole thing? Probably not, but I really think they should have kept him. I guarantee you though (again) that Jamar WILL sing with Danny at the finale. How can AI pass that up? A chance for tears? C'mon!
Ricky Braddy (who?) makes it. Have we ever seen a SECOND of him singing? I feel bad for him.
Matt Giraud, dueling pianist, makes it.
Ju'not Joyner makes it.
Puerto Rican Jorge Nunez makes it.
Brent Kieth makes it.
Steven Fowler, the guy who forgot lyrics TWICE in Hollywood, is up. He gets a third chance with a yes. He must have really impressed the judges.
Norman Gentle/Nick Mitchell is up next. It seems like the judges (minus Simon) actually prefer wacky Norman to serious Nick. They take him?! Wow! I actually did not see this coming. It seems like they took him only if he would be Norman. It will be wacky, but AI needs to be careful. Who knows what America will do? My prediction is he will be in the toughest group (against Danny and MacIntyre). I do think he is entertaining though.
Jackie Tohn is up. I LOVED her in her first audition, but in Hollywood she made me think she was just a Janis wannabe. I want more of what I saw the first time. The clip they show of her is more what I like. She's in. Song choice is going to be big for her.
Tatiana Del Toro is still annoying, and she is up. She actually does have a good voice, but ecch. Could this be an act? Paula gives her a ring. She should have given her an injection of fast-acting poison. She made it. She made it.
I pinch myself hard, and the truth still remains.
She made it.
Well, I called it, and she will go home in the first week. She will be stacked against some heavy hitters, and she will probably be raked over the coals. Her exit could not come soon enough for me.
But she can sing.
The sight of only Nathaniel Marshall half-clapping for her is priceless.
Jackie Midkiff (who?) is singing off against crying, headband boy Nathaniel Marshall. Jackie's okay, but he's not great.
We get a Nathaniel back story, so I guess he will be the one that is taken. He sings well in the sing-off, but I think he pushes a bit, understandably. His voice is good.
Nathaniel will cry one more time on AI. Just one more time.
Jeanine Vailes is in despite us never seeing her sing at all. She'll be going home REALLY soon.
Kai Kalama is in.
Anne Marie Boskovich (the one they "made over") is in. I like her.
Kris Allen is in.
Matt Breitzke, the welder, is up against Michael Sarver, the oil rigger from Texas. Matt sings first and well, but I don't think he leaves the best impression. Michael sings and he is better. He could get some votes this one. They both are in. Good call though I think Sarver lasts longer.
So they both made it equalling 36? Weren't they doing the math as to how many had gone through? If they had counted 34 as having been chosen, this should have been a no-brainer.
I can't wait to get this started. I wonder how they will pair them for the coming weeks.
Ooh! A change. They will be in 3 groups of 12, unlike the 4 groups of 9 they did years back when they did this format. I wonder if they will take the top 4 from each group or take the top 3 and have a wild card (or judges' choices) for the remaining 3 positions.
Next week's group is:
Casey Carlson
Steven Fowler
Jackie Tohn
Ricky Braddy
Anne Marie Boskavich
Brent Kieth
Alexis Grace
Michael Sarver
Stevie Wright
Danny Gokey
Tatiana Del Toro
Anoop Desai
Wow! Just looking at that list, I think that Danny, Anoop, Jackie, and Anne Marie are the ones to watch from this group... though Sarver or Fowler could shock.