Very cool episode with some interesting implications. Click below.
Again, we are reminded of Jack and Claire's relationship (via Dad) and the lie as to Aaron's parentage.
So, we see that Sun is most likely working for Widmore and attempting to kill Ben (and/or Jack).
Faraday tries to explain the nosebleeds by saying that it is the internal clock going haywire due to flashbacking (flashforwarding? Here on, just flashing) too much.
The lawyer still presses for custody of Aaron (Tom Irwin from My So-Called Life). Someone is trying to go after Sayid, probably Widmore.
We see wistful Sawyer. Poor, poor Sawyer. How he misses Kate.
Miles now develops a nosebleed.
The islanders come are when Locke discovers the light in the hatch. Sawyer witnesses Aaron's birth, and...
Faraday then surmises that nosebleeds are signs that you have been on the island too long.
Islanders then discover the camp ransacked, new boats ashore. They take the boats to try to find the Orchid.
As they are being shot at, flash again. Strangely enough, the boat and oars travel with them. I guess this establishes that if you are holding something when you time travel, it too travels with you.
Apparently, the lawyer's client is Claire's mom (Jack's dad's mistress).
Apparently, Claire's mom was a red herring--not the client.
The lawyer ends up being Ben's lawyer. I guess he just wanted to manipulate people, so they would want to go back to the island? Or is there another reason?
Ben apparently wants Aaron. For what reason?
Time-drifting islanders was ashore amidst wreckage of the French kind.
We then see a raft with French people aboard rescuing the body of Jin. Yes, Jin is alive!
We learn that one of the French survivors is a very pregnant Danielle Rousseau (the crazy French lady).
So this brings up some questions/theories:
Faraday told us that we couldn't change the strings of time once they are set, but Jin interacting with the island's past will test this.
Why does Ben want Aaron? Does it have to do with the future leadership of the island? Remember, leaders are chosen when they are young. What about a leader of the past (or present). I still can't shake the feeling that Aaron or Charlie II will turn up being some important piece of the island that we have already learned about (Jacob, Richard, Locke).
The episode was titled "The Little Prince." Another hint that Aaron is destined for greatness?
It seems like the return to the island is coming up soon. That is a good thing. I don't want this to be dragged out.
What of the nosebleeds? What if the nosebleeds are connected to the "disease" that wiped out the Frenchies. It would be ultra-cool if some of the time-traveling islanders' voices ended up being the weird voices that Danielle said marked the madness that overcame them.
Thoughts? Theories?