Okay. I think I liked this episode better than last week's, but it's not on my good list again yet.
Click below for more thoughts.
Okay, the bad first.
The whole subplot of the government wanting to pull the plug on imprisoning the freaks after it had already been given the green light seems a bit hokey. This is a transparent way for us to buy the inevitable President-sanctioned and -funded manhunt which will surely continue.
Claire and Noah still reciting the same lines since season two. We get it. Noah wants to protect and control Claire; Claire want the opposite of Noah.
After Ice Queen escapes, they bolt her up the exact same way again? Really? Geniuses. Yeah, I get the whole allowing her to escape for the big show, but c'mon. Why take chances?
And the good.
Ando and Hiro still entertain me though the whole going to India because the picture told them to was far-fetched.
Noah drugged and captured by our not-seen-this-episode Heroes with a vengeance was nice.
The Sylar and sidekick storyline was interesting.
And the meh.
I know that I am supposed to be really curious as to who Rebel (the one texting Claire and faxing Hiro and Ando in India) really is, but I really don't care. Since it has to be someone who would surprise us, it has to be Mama Petrelli. At least that's my guess.
The ever-ironic soundtrack that is Sylar's car radio is a bit much. "Born to be Wild" and "Psycho Killer?" Couldn't they get the rights for the song "I'm Going to Slice Open Your Head If You Don't Cooperate?"
Alex, the new comic shop character, seems interesting and could be a love interest for Claire, but we have seen what Claire's love interests have become. Have we seen Flying Boy lately? Aqua Boy could share the same demise.
Overall, this was better for me than last week's, but I still want more to happen at a quicker pace. We spent a good portion of this episode on convincing the government to buy in on the project when we were satisfactorily convinced that they were already in.
Next week we get to explore Noah's inner-workings, and it better be more than what we already know. I just feel sometimes that the show travels the same roads we have already traveled on. I just feel that we need something to shake up the expected.