Sigh. I actually had high hopes for this second part of the season, but after last night's episode, I might be falling off the bandwagon.
My thoughts below.
This was truly clunky storytelling. This may be my least favorite episode of Heroes ever.
The entire episode unfolds as Nathan is having a phone conversation with an unknown person (eventually shown to be Mama Petrelli). I hope that wasn't supposed to be a shocker; it wasn't.
This episode shows little new character development and not much plot progression.
This is all we learned in this hour-long episode:
1. Noah may not be THAT bad; he just is looking out for Claire. (Is this new? No.)
2. Nathan is pretty ruthless in his actions (except protecting Claire), but his number two in command (the military hunter) is seen to be a true villain in the making.
3. Daphne is killed with a total lack of suspense. We were shown that she would die, and guess what. She does. This incident is supposed to be the catalyst to turn the heroes into a renegade pack of revenge-hungry freaks? It actually seemed pretty devoid of drama. Even Parkman's reaction seemed subdued. I don't buy it on a gut level.
4. Sylar has a sidekick in the making. How convenient that he tortures the mother of a fellow freak.
That's all I got out of this. A lot of dishwater; very few dishes.
Stupid Moment of the Show: Ando realizing that Hiro must be alive because he kills him in the future. Most of this show's existence hinges on the concept of preventing an awful future. Many disastrous events have been altered by the Heroes' actions. Why couldn't Hiro's death at Ando's hands have been changed already? Maybe the changes that have already been made have taken care of that possibility. Hiro losing his power? Ando gaining his power? It just seems like it is pretty stupid to hang on to a vision of the future that might have been altered like so many visions before it.