Out of all episodes of Hollywood, this is always my favorite part. This is where the weakest singers have been weeded out, and we are left with (for the most part) good singers.
This is also where we get to see the singers pick their own songs and perform with musical instruments if they so desire.
I so hope this isn't a let down. Let's get to thoughts, reflections, and predictions.
So the show begins. I am actually writing while the show is on tonight. I usually build up a buffer on AI and watch it a good hour later. Not tonight.
I want to try to post this as close to the show being over as possible. We'll see how I do.
All 72 singers are allowed back-up singers, a band, and/or their own accompaniment.
I hope they keep the rooms to make their decisions. It can be a little anti-climactic (since some people are shoe-ins to make it), but I like it.
They'll be split into four rooms--probably taking three.
Adam Lambert, one of my faves, sings first. And he's singing Cher. Really? Cher? Yes, he is theatrical, but I really like this guy. He has chops. Now, I see that he wants to change songs up (which I like), but he needs to be careful that isn't known as just the guy who can sing songs differently. I must say, for now, I believe. He, to me, is a sure thing.
Matt Giraud, the dueling piano player, sings "Georgia on My Mind," and I like his bluesy feel, but it feels a bit affected. Is this him, or is this him singing some Ray Charles? I know that sounds like a minor quibble, but it's something. No doubt this guy can sing though. I think he's in as well.
Friends Jamar Rogers and Danny Gokey could be separated.
Jamar sings some Plain White-Ts (not the most challenging song), and he tries to spruce it up. I think he has a very nice voice. I would like him to make it through, but I don't know how long he'd last on the show.
I love seeing Danny so supportive of his friend.
Danny sings while Paula's meds kick in. She does some invisible lariat action as she seems like she can't control herself. Anyone have a spare dose of Ritalin? Danny's voice seems so... real. I really dig his voice, but he will need to be careful with song selection... on the top 24, because I he's as close to a sure-thing as there is on the show. Whoever ends up in his room for cuts should breathe a little easier.
Annop Desai ('noop Dog) sings My Prerogative. His voice seems so out of place coming from him, and I dig that. He has this soulsy R&B boy band vibe that works for him. Plus, he can perform.
Jorge Nunez (from Puerto Rico with crazy brows) seems good, but I don't know about his chances.
Scott MacIntyre, seeing-impaired guy had a lot of press early and not much exposure since. He plays piano and sings "Home," and he is really good. I have not picked him as a favorite yet, but I would be STOOPID surprised if he didn't make it on. He says that he had the time of his life when he heard that Paula gave him a standing ovation. I hope he doesn't always get excited every time Paula does some wacky thing. If so, this show could make him very happy.
Kendall Beard, the Cameron Diaz-looking singer, is a college student from Austin. A fellow Longhorn? Mayhaps. If so, SHE WAS THE BOMB! If not, she was okay but nothing great. She sings "When He Cheats" just like you would expect a good singer to sing it at a karaoke bar. No better. She's on the fence, probably not making it. But if she's a Longhorn? THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL!
Stevie Wright, 16-year-old student, sings fairly well. I can go either way on her.
I thought Lil Rounds was great in her initial audition but thought she oversang in her first Hollywood round. This time, she sings a big song, but this was more like it. I'd put money on her going through.
Kristen McNamara, a blonde survivor from one of the group day dramas, is a karaoke hostess, but she can sing. Wait, did I just make those two facts mutually exclusive? Sorry. She has this lack of control over her left hand when she sings though. It's flailing as much as Paula's when she's... off her meds.
Mishavonna Henson is an auditioner from last year that we haven't seen at all this season (or last). She's cute but bores me. Next.
Room 1 has most of the people we just saw (most of whom I liked), so this must be the sure thing room. C'mon, like they won't take Adam Lambert, Scott McIntyre, dueling piano guy, and Anoop?
Room 2 has Ricky Braddy (who?), Michael Sarver (oil rigger), Alex Wagner-Trugman (the geek who defriended me on Facebook), and Tatiana (the annoying, annoying annoyance). Without hearing them sing, I don't have high hopes. THOUGH, it is very possible they make it through for conspiracy reasons. (More on that later.)
In her performance, she actually sounded really good. I would never pick up a phone and vote for her, but this was the best I've heard her. I do hate however little cutesy performance things that take me out of a song. Her oohing with her eyes close while she moves her finger in front of her is one of those things. Maybe room 2 is in.
Alexis Grace, mother about to get married, sings "When He Cheats," and again I get the karaoke vibe. Maybe it's just that song with me. Meh.
Kenny Hoffpauer, another 16 year old, taps the mic nervously while he sings, but he's not bad.
Jasmine Murray, yet another 16 year old, sings "Tattoo" and she isn't bad either. No one is out and out failing today. That might be a good sign. (By the way, this is the third song tonight that was sung by a prior Idol singer.)
All these are in room 2, and I think this room might be a keeper.
Uh oh. Nathaniel Marshall, the drama-loving, headband-wearing guy is in that room. He sings "Disturbia," and he doesn't have the worst voice, but really? Is AI that desperate for tears? If he makes it on, I think it will be for other reasons.
Joanna Pacitti, the ex-Annie, messes up her lyrics and has the worst performance of the show thus far. She actually just sings aspirated syllables instead of words for a good eight bars of the song. Ouch! I wouldn't want to be in her room.
Casey Carlson messes up the lyrics to "Tattoo," but I forgive her because she is a bubble tea maker. I truly love bubble tea. (AI song count to 4.)
Steven Fowler, pianist with a blue sweater and an Afro, is up late practicing, but on the day of the performance, he pulls a Brooke White, restarting. I really like his voice and his vibe, but this might have been bad. If he's cracking under this pressure, how will he do on the real show?
All these were in the same room, so I am still on the fence. I did, however, see Von Smith in there as well. I am leaning on this being the surprise room that gets through. I'll be honest though, many in this room should not have gotten through.
Tatiana is pulled out of room 2, and this seems like an obvious producer ploy. This idea was dreamt up by some writer, and it doesn't seem real at all. I call shenanigans.
Nick Mitchell, "Norman Gentle," sings as Norman, and sings a cabaret "Georgia on My Mind" that is VERY entertaining. If I were to learn that this guy sang drag before, I would not be surprised. If he does not make it through (which I doubt he will), he will come back and sing on the finale. I guarantee it here and now.
Room 3 has Leneshe Young (the girl raised from nothing with a really cool sound) and Kaylan Loyd (who I don't remember). This is looking to be the room of tears.
Room 4 has Nick Mitchell, Anne Marie Boskovich, and Ju'not Joyner.
Anne Marie Boskovich is concerned about standing out, and she has a valid concern. I haven't seen many of the female singers really stick out to me thus far.
Ju'not Joyner hasn't been shown (has he?), but I think he's good. He sings a laid back version of "Hey Delilah," but it still isn't that challenging of a song. I hope he doesn't bore me--if he even has a chance to do so.
Tatiana is sent to room 4. My prediction is that she makes it through.
Room 3 Kaylan Loyd isn't that great to my ears.
I like Leneshe Young quite a bit! She wears a fedora, and she can sing. Maybe room 3 is in, and 4 is out.
Room 2 Kai Kalama has a cool, relaxed sound, buthis voice did not sound up to muster. I still think room 2 is in.
Room twoer, Michael Sarver, the oil rigger from Jasper, sings, but I think he is out of pitch for part. Maybe it's just me.
Simon won't break the news to any of the rooms. How sad.
Room two is... through. It seems that this is the room of second chancers. My guess is that many of them won't make it past the chair episode.
Room 2: Alexis Grace, Joanna Pacitti, Casey Carlson, Kai Kalama, Ariana Asar, Jasmine Murray, Steven Fowler, Nathaniel Marshall, and Michale Sarver (and others that will be cut at the chair).
Room 3 has a lot of people I've never seen before. Leneshe Young is the only one from this room that I really have seen and really liked.
India Morrison had a lackluster audition. I think the number three will be unlucky here.
Michael Castro (Jason's brother) is in this room. We haven't even seen him sing in Hollywood. A bad sign?
Room 3 is officially going home.
I thought they were going to take three rooms one, but I guess they are getting rid of two rooms. Or is this just an American Idol trick?
Wait. Math break. I have read there will be a Top 36 this year. There are 72 contestants. Yes, if they take two rooms, that will come up with the magic number of 36, BUT what would be the purpose of the chair episode? I am thinking that they take both rooms.
Room 1 is told their fate. This is the obvious room. No way this group is going home. This group has probably been pretty relaxed as they waited and looked at all the talent in the room.
Jackie Tohn was in this room as well. She was an early favorite for me, but if she sings every song like she is trying to be Janis Joplin, she will get old to me.
Room 2 is a mixed bag, but I truly think it makes it through.
While the judges (minus Simon) break the news, Tatiana loudly sobs and begs. She is SO annoying.
They are safe.
Room 2 contained: Tatiana, Jackie Minten, Cody Sheldon, Matt Brietzke, Ju'Not Joyner, Nick Mitchell, Anne Marie Boskavich, Alicia Barton, and T.K. Hash.
Tomorrow night the Top 36 will be announced via the chair episode (though a fancier chair this year). I will give some thoughts about this tomorrow, as I am sure that we will be shocked by some of the choices.