We have seen some good performances, but many of those singers who we once thought were pretty good will disappear quickly. Yes, I am sure that some of the standouts will make it though, but this is where the going gets good. AI has hidden from us some singers that are very talented. We never saw serious footage of Bo Bice until Hollywood. Same goes for Elliott Yamin and Kelly Clarkson. Yes, the odds are good that we have already been exposed to the eventual winner of this season, but you never know.
The only bad part about Hollywood is the non-surprising axe given to many of the singers that we knew would get axed when they got their tickets to Hollywood.
Let's see how tonight unfolds...
First off, auditioners marvel at the Kodak. Enjoy the visit; most of you are going home.
This year the hopefuls were sent to Idol boot camp. Yes, this is a cool way to prepare them, but could this also be a way for the coaches and producers to spend more time to find who they like and who they don't. What's that you say? The judges make all the decision? Oh, how wonderful to be naive.
Barry Manilow helps out the campers.
Two days worth of the first round. Groups of eight singing one at a time, down the line. This is, as I understand it, how they audition initially (pre-judges). They are sent home right then and there or live another day. I hope these kids took some pictures of the scenery.
Lil Rounds belts out Whitney and gets a standing ovation from the gals. She's an easy in and one to watch. But I will say, I was less impressed with her voice here than in the regionals. Maybe it's just the way it sounds in a big room, but I thought her vocals were strong but a bit muddy.
Dennis Brigham (weird teeth) is a no, and we could have told you that way back in Kansas City.
(Asia (India's sister), Alexander (have we seen him?), and two other no-names are also in.)
Dennis shows why he should never have gone through to Hollywood in the first place.
It's hard to keep track of some of the ins and outs, as we aren't shown the names of every singer.
Lil Rounds is a favorite early with Paula and Cara.
Next group:
Nathaniel Marshall (headband and lip studs) sings an unfamiliar tune and cries explaining the import of singing to him. He seems a bit emotional for the rigors of AI.
Anoop (Noop Dawg) Desai and Jasmine Murray (16 year old) do their thing, both sounding great.
Rose Flack (hippy chick) struggled at boot camp, but I like the tone of her voice when she sings "Dock of the Bay."
All are through from this group
Next group: Stephen Fowler (guy with fro; have we seen him?) has a great, natural voice. Jorge Nunez (from Puerto Rico with yellow scarf) sings nicely, but his eyebrows still bother me. Von Smith (the powerful singer, now without his hat) can really sing loudly, but I like it more when he isn't shouting. Simon calls him on his bad performance. All three are kept. I think Von will stick around, but he needs to tone down his performances, methinks.
We see people tearfully get cut, but I can't quite place them. I guess that means no big loss.
Nick Mitchell (formerly Norman Gentle), the flamboyant sparkly guy, decides to go out with a laugh. I still stand by the fact that he has a good voice, but this is all wrong for AI, and he must know that. He's still through to the next round, but I feel his days are numbered. He could get a good cabaret career out of this. (Is there such a thing as a good cabaret career?)
Scott McIntyre, seeing-impaired guy, and Frankie Jordan, new mom, are both through.
Hollywood Day 2: Jackie Tohn, my early fave, sings and I liked her more at the regional. She still is good. It just seemed that in Hollywood, she seemed more of a caricature and more forced. Before, her affect seemed natural.
Danny (lost his wife) and Jamar (his friend) are singing, and I feel a split a-comin'. I really liked Jamar. It was basically the same audition he had as before, but it seemed more inspired this time. Danny sings some Seal and he does something really cool. He sings it imperfectly, a little raspy, and to me, it is perfect. This was my first 'I need to rewind that' performance of the night. Both friends are through. Yay!
Katrina (bikini girl) should have never made it through. I still can't get enough of Ryan's discomfort at being kissed by a girl... I mean, by Katrina. She's honestly not that bad--by no means great or even very good. The girls are on the fence, but the guys like her. Bikini girl makes it through. No way she makes it further.
Jessica Furney (takes care of her grandmother) doesn't make it. Neither does Shih-Tzu girl (called it!) or Puerto Rico large family girl (called that, too!).
Jesus Valenzuela (father form San Francisco) and Jeremy Michael Sarver (roughneck father) sing. Jeremy is through; Jesus is not.
David Osmond sings well. Erika Wesly (new girl?) is a'ight. Emily Wynn-Hughes (punk rocker) sings a song that she hadn't planned on singing nor practiced. She not bad, but the judges rake her over the coals for song selection. I didn't think it was THAT bad. David and Emily are through, and Erika is not.
Also Alex Wagner-Trugman, the fun geek, makes it though. (Sidenote that makes me seem creepy: I actually, following his regional performance, looked this guy up, and he was on Facebook. I clicked 'add,' and guess what? He added me as a friend, and I was happy for a week or so. But I just checked, and he has removed his Facebook account. Is this is a possible spoiler? Or does he just hate me?)
Erika puts up a fight, and Paula and Simon have their obligatory fight of Hollywood. Decision stands--she's out.
Others good enough to make it through but not good enough to be shows: Alexis Grace, Brent Kieth Smith, Anne Marie Boskavich, and Adam Lambert.
(I think I saw Michael Castro go through, but what about Asa Barnes?)
104 still survive.
Tomorrow night, groups, fights, and shattered dreams.
I'll be there.