
American Idol--Top 36--Group 2

Here are my thoughts on Group 2. Pre-show, I still stand my prediction of Adam Lambert (probably going last), Jasmine Murray, and Matt Giraud.

Ryan is looking casual tonight.

Stupid phrase of the night comes from Kara: "This it it. There are no second chances." Um, have the producers told her about the Wild Card show where 12 singers will get... wait for it... a second chance? Are they hoping that the viewers forget about this so they can surprise us later?


I was right with my guess of Adam Lambert going last. Look, I like the guy, too, but could the producers be more transparent about wanting to showcase their chosen ones?

Wait a sec! Did Ryan just say that they will be singing from Billboard's Hot 100? Wow! That's a disadvantage to this group. It seemed like last week's group could pick any song (admittedly to their detriment at times). What is up with that?! Is it only the current Top 100? Or any Top 100? I hope for the latter.


Jasmine Murray--"Love Song"--Sara Bareilles
This is the song that Kara wanted someone to sing last week. I think this could be a good song for her. It might be me, but the vocals seem muddy and indistinct. I'm not saying that it's bad, but I don't think it stands out the way it should. Fair start, but I'm starting to back off of my prediction of her being the girl from this round. Maye not the right song. Judges aren't too positive. Not feeling strong any more.

Matt Giraud--"Viva La Vida"--Coldplay
Rats! It looks like they all have to be modern songs. I really call shenanigans on this. Changing the rules midstream, AI? Tsk tsk! I pretty much am bored by Coldplay, but this song isn't awful (because they ripped it off from Joe Satriani). I hope this works. Sigh. This was a mixed bag for me. For me, this was entirely the wrong song for him. After hearing him sing soulfully on "Georgia" and then singing this, I am so disappointed. Parts were good, but there were also some notes that made me cringe. I wonder what he would have sung if not hampered by the "list." The judges weren't wowed either, but it seems like they are still pulling for him. I was disappointed.

Two of my faves to go on from this round have disappointed. Maybe this will be an opportunity for an unknown to make a big splash.

Jeanine Vailes--"This Love" by Maroon 5
Wait another second. This was a hit some years back, so maybe it is ANY Top 100 list. Hmm... Dunno. Jeanine is a bartender with very, very short-shorts that we have not seen before. Ouch! This was okay until the chorus came along. She seemed like she was in a duel with the background singers and lost. The end is better, but I can't forget the intense pain that I just endured. I'll pass. The judges agree that she picked the wrong song and has good legs. She admits that since she hasn't been shown much, she felt that she needed to come out strong. I get that, but the key is to sing WELL. I feel bad for her, but that was NOT good. B'bye.

Nick Mitchell--"And I'm Telling You"--Dreamgirls
It's Norman Gentle time. I'm a bit disappointed that he's singing this song again, but at least he'll be playing to his strength. I think I have lost my ever-loving mind, but this guy entertains me. Serious. I am still convinced that this show is not for him, but he makes me smile every time he sings. I even liked his vocal pauses to share his innermost thoughts--wanting to impress the judges, staying on the show, and saying hi to Doogie Howser in the audience. He is a bonafide trip. He gave it his all. The singing was not bad for the most part. There was one part where he lost some vocal control that hurt me, but the rest was really well sung--in that campy style that he sings. Simon predictably pans him while the others praise the entertainment value. He is memorable. Paula speaks in tongues at one point. That was also memorable. Things do get a bit weird and manic as Ryan tries to help give out Nick's number. I actually love live TV for moments where things go wrong.

Allison Iraheta--"Alone"--Heart
She is 16, but looks about 32. Her interview with Ryan is painful. She has a hard time completing a sentence. Please make her stop. Tough song. She has two styles: soft at the beginning, hard at the end. But it's the best vocals of the night so far though. It was a tad screamy for me at times, but she does have a good voice. Do I want to see her every week? Dunno. Newsflash, Paula: I can sing the telephone book, too. Seriously, I can. Not well, but still. The judges are highly complimentary. She seems to be this season's Jason Castro in terms of interviewing skills.

Kris Allen--"Man in the Mirror"--Michael Jackson
Another one we haven't really seen. He's singing Michael? Really? After the performance, I must say, he is good. I think he is comfortable with that style. It seems like that was him. I know what to expect from him. I like it. A lot. Not perfect, but really good. The judges are so-so. I hate that Kara says that this wasn't as good as what he did in Hollywood WHEN WE NEVER SAW HIM IN HOLLYWOOD.
Megan (Joy) Corkrey--"Put Your Records On"--Corinne Bailey Rae
Tattoo sleeve mother. I like this song, so I hope she does justice. Her stage presence is weak, but her voice is not bad. She has an unusual voice quality but in a good way. It came across as a bit karaoke. The judges are nice to her. She and Allison are the front-runners for the girls.

Matt Breitzke--"If You Could Only See"--Tonic
Not a bad song. (Side note: I saw Tonic perform this before they got BIG, opening for David Garza at the White Rabbit in San Antonio. I didn't have them pegged for success. Shows what I know.) Not a bad performance, and he sure is likable, but I think this was a really good karaoke performance. I don't know if I felt a performer here. I just felt the song. Is it memorable enough? Judges are big on him but not on the performance or the song choice.

Pet Peeve: I really don't like when singers talk back to the judges. It just comes across to me as overly prideful and stubborn. Also, I don't think it wins over the viewers. Maybe I'm wrong.

Jesse Langseth--"Bette Davis Eyes"--Kim Carnes
Pass. This is painful, too. I swear that I've heard better renditions of this at karaoke bars. Not memorable for me. I will forget this by the time this show is over. Judges are mixed. I agree with Simon. Again.

Kai Kalama--"What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted"--Jimmy Ruffin
I like the song choice. (Obviously it's any year of the Billboard Hot 100. I take back my earlier complaint.) And he sings it fairly well (minus one part that was weak). I can hear him as a singer. He, to me, is memorable. I think he could be a wild card if he doesn't get through on votes. The judges are not as impressed as I was. Oh well. I didn't think it was that bad.

Mishavonna Henson--"Drops of Jupiter"--Train
Another unknown. This one is a keeper! I really like her. She has a sound. Perfect, no, but strong, yes. She commanded my attention. I think she should be the girl of the night (or at least a wild card selection). The judges don't like the song choice, but I didn't have a problem with that. I actually don't agree with the criticism of Mishavonna.

Adam Lambert--"Satisfaction"--Rolling Stones
Musical theater boy. He starts off reminding me of Constantine with the smoldering look (and the early vocals seemed scattered). But boy can this kid sing. Is it a bit much? At times, yes. But there is no doubting Adam's chops and his entertainment. I really think this will be a love it or hate it sort of thing. Is he likable enough to generate votes? I think so, but I think he'll have to soften up at some point to make it to the end (which he should with that voice). Watching him perform does illustrate the difference between him and the others. The judges drool predictably, though Simon is a bit on the fence.

Overall, this night was a wash. If I have to rank tonight's performances (which I feel I do), they would go like this:
1. Adam Lambert
2. Mishavonna Henson
3. Megan Joy Corkrey
4. Nick Mitchell
5. Kris Allen
6. Allison Iraheta
7. Kai Kalama
8. Matt Giraud
9. Matt Breitzke
10. Jasmine Murray
11. Jesse Langseth
12. Jeanine Vailes

My Picks: M: Adam F: Mishavonna V: Nick M.
My Predictions M: Adam F: Megan Corkrey V: Matt Giraud

Your thoughts?

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American Idol--Top 36--Group 3--Preview

Here is a look at Group 3.

Alex Wagner-Trugman
Arianna Afsar
Felicia Barton
Jorge Nunez Mendez
Ju'not Joyner
Kendall Beard
Kristen McNamara
Lil Rounds
Nathaniel Marshall
Scott Macintyre
Taylor Vaifanua
Von Smith

This seems to be stronger with women (according to screen time this season), though Lil Rounds seems to be the obvious choice. A few interesting match-ups. You have the powerful (maybe too powerful) voice of Von Smith versus Scott Macintyre (without his piano).

Alex (my geek ex-friend), Arianna, and Ju'not seem to be the others in the mix.

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American Idol--Top 36--Group 2--Preview

Click to see the singers in Group 2.

Adam Lambert
Allison Iraheta
Jasmine Murray
Jeanine Vailes
Jesse Langseth
Kai Kalama
Kris Allen
Matt Breitzke
Matt Giraud
Megan Corkrey
Mishavonna Henson
Nick Mitchell

Just at first glance, Adam Lambert seems to own this group. Jasmine Murray appears to be the lone female in this group.

Third could be either Matt (Giraud or Breitzke) or Nick Mitchell if America is feeling saucy.


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American Idol--Group 1--Results

Results are in. Thoughts are below.

Can they really make this an hour?! Really? This will be pure tedium.

At least they brought back the cheesy group song. Wasn't great, but it was cheesy.

Reahash-ity rehash.

Alexis Grace is the top woman vote-getter. I'm 0-for-1 so far. Yay me!

She sings again, and I think tonight she is better than last night. I'm still not sold on her being the next Kelly Clarkson, but she is deserving (though I think Ann Marie will still make it through the wild card).

Michael Sarver is in. Ryan doesn't say whether or not he is the top male vote-getter or the third place slot.

I'm 0-2. Fun.

I like Michael and I'm glad for him, but I can't shake the feeling that he will be an early casualty in the Top 12.

Are they really trying to build suspense over Danny Gokey making it to the Top 12? Really? Is there ANYONE who thinks that he isn't the top vote-getter?

Well... with my record, we may be in for some trouble.

Nice commercial for the American Idol Experience. So THAT's why the show's an hour. Great.

Carly Smithson and Michael Johns are back to sing. I must say it was nice hearing Michael Johns again. Ahem.

It's Danny versus Tatiana. Tell me it isn't so.

It isn't so. Danny is through. There is balance in the world tonight.

1-for-3. 34%. (I round up. Always.)

Oh! They wanted Danny to sing his song last AGAIN.

Now it all makes sense.

Wild Carders must be: Anoop, Ricky Braddy, and Ann Marie Bostovich. And maybe Brent Kieth for the country element.

Tatiana seemed inconsolable at the end. Schadenfreude reigns supreme!

Next week, the group is:
Megan Corkery
Kris Allen
Mishavonna Henson
Matt Breitzke
Allison Iraheta
Matt Giraud
Jasmine Murray
Kai Kalama
Jesse Langseth
Adam Lambert
Jeanine Vailes
Nick Mitchell


Read more on "American Idol--Group 1--Results"


American Idol--Top 36--Group 1

I am a bit worried by the revelation that they take the top vote-getter from each gender. It is possible (though not probable) that we might get stuck with the seventh-highest vote-getter of the night just to keep both genders represented.

I want it to be based on talent and votes alone.

Still, I am most stoked for tonight's show. I am anxious to see how they perform and see what they did with song choice (always a killer).

Click below for the thoughts.

Here we are...

This is a similar format to what they used years ago. I wonder if we'll have the Coca-Cola red room where all the contestants get nervous while the singers sing.

Oh, look at them all lined up on the stairs, nervously awaiting their chance to show America what they are all about.

Unfortunately, this time next week, most of them will be forgotten.

Ryan in a v-neck? Pass.

Judges blather.

A minute and twenty seconds a person? This is ridiculous! I forgot how frustrating it is to see so little of them singing.

Yep. Top girl, top guy, next top vote-getter. Sigh. Way to make sure some mediocrity makes it into the Top 12. (Please understand. This is not a slam against female singers in general, just against female singers this season. I hope they prove me wrong.)

Jackie Tohn is up. I really liked her in her first audition, but she turned into a Janis Joplin wannabe in Hollywood. Song choice will be crucial with her.

She is singing "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis. Let's see if she tries to Janis it up. She is a natural performer, but it seems a bit manic. There are parts I really dig though. It was not boring. That's a good thing. I just don't know if this performance, going first, will be enough to make someone pick up their phone. Average start.

The first three judges praise on her entertainment and personality. The judges seem to excuse her vocal performance since she wasn't boring. Simon disagrees pretty thoroughly.

Red Room is back. During the interview, Jackie kind of annoys me. I know she is trying to project herself as the free-loving nutball, but I don't know if that gamble will work.

Next up is Ricky Braddy. Poor, poor Ricky Braddy that got no airtime. He is going to have to be sensational to break through to the top.

He is singing "A Song for You" by Leon Russell. Wait a second. Hold the presses. Have they been hiding this guy from us? No, it is not perfect, but this guy has awesome chops! This is a hard song to sing, and he sings it extremely well. A few pitch issues, but the good outweighs the bad here. Color me impressed.

Unanimous praise from the judges. Simon cautions him on his lack of charisma.

And we get our first website plug of the night from Mama Braddy: www.thebraddybunch.com

Alexis Grace is up. She is singing "Never Loved a Man" by Aretha. She has a really strong voice, and I dig it, but I'm bored. First wrong song choice of the night. I don't think this will make her stand out enough. I like her, but I worry for her.

The judges think she is MUCH better than I do. Maybe they are trying to save her. I like her, so I don't really mind. I still think she could have picked a better song. Simon invokes the name "Kelly Clarkson." They mean business.

Alexis Grace is the worst storyteller ever.

Brent Keith is up. His tape is screwed up, so they have to ad lib and go straight to his song. Poor Brent Keith. That has to mess you up mentally. I really feel bad for the guy!

He is singing "Hicktown" by some band I probably wouldn't know. Second wrong song choice of the night. I feel bad for him but not that bad. He seems a bit restrained in his delivery, and his voice is just okay, bordering on ordinary. He's better at the end, but it's still not good. Very karaoke. The judges will not be kind.

The judges are middling with their criticism, but I don't think this will be enough. We do, however, get our first Bucky Covington dis of the season from Simon. All the judges did was identify his genre as country. Yay! (That was sarcasm.)

Stevie Wright. She's singing "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift to show off her youth. Third wrong song choice of the night. This starts off horribly. I am not familiar with this song, but she sounds off key. If that's the way the song is supposed to sound, she's great! Poor Stevie. She and Brent will be home watching the rest of the season. This time, I am sure the judges will be vicious.

They are. All judges have little positive to say.

Why are Paula's eyebrows bugging me tonight?

What's up with Jackie Tohn trying to get some extra air time to hug Stevie and her parents as Ryan is talking? I think it's all very manipulative.

'noop Dawg in the house! He is singing "Angel of Mine" by Monica. He has some bizarre song choices, I'll give him that. I really like Anoop. He was one of my faves coming in, but I don't think this was his best performance. It was really good and smooth, but there was something that didn't hit me right. I hope it's enough, but I worry.

All the judges didn't LOVE it, but you can tell they LOVE him. The judges are basically pleading with America to keep him. I think they will. He is so darn likable.

Casey Carlson is the next up. She is singing "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" by the Police. I love this song. She better not murder it. She has a bad case of Wacky Face(tm)! Augh! Can she stop winking and making fish mouth at me? Please? And the vox are inconsistent, bordering on horrible. Fourth bad song choice of the night. She will be with Brent and Stevie on the outside looking in.

The judges hate it. Randy and Kara even sing their criticism as a duet (which comes across crueler than many things Simon says). All in all, it was pretty brutal.

Michael Sarver is singing "I Don't Want to Be" by Gavin DeGraw. I like this song choice, but will he get drilled for going this direction? (I remember him as having a soulful, bluesy voice.) He's got Wacky Face(tm) going on, too. I think his voice is good, but it comes across as over the top a bit. I was expecting more from him. It wasn't horrible at all, but I wanted more. Mixed bag.

Like with Anoop, the judges are being kind, and you can tell that they like him personally. Even if he doesn't make it through tomorrow, he'll be back on the Wild Card show.

Ann Marie Boskovich is singing "Natural Woman" by Aretha. It's always dangerous going after these big songs. I think she pulls it off. She has a great voice. She seems confident, but I never feel that she gets screamy or shouty. I don't know if this song shows off her personality, but she has a voice.

The judges aren't crazy about her song choice. Ann Marie gets in a dis on Sara Bareilles and her song "Love Song" after Kara suggests that she should have sung that. The funny thing is, I can hear her singing that song well.

Steven Fowler will try not to forget the words to "Rock with You" by Michael Jackson. He sings it very well, but I don't see how this shows who he is as an artist. He sang a very good karaoke version of Michael. It seemed very distant and cold. I didn't feel the heartbeat. It was by the numbers for me.

The judges rake him over the coals. I wonder if he'll get another chance at the wild card show because this won't do him any favors.

Tatiana Del Toro is up. Man, does she get on my nerves. She's singing "I'm Saving All My Love for You" by Whitney Houston. I know she can sing, but this should be a mess.

Actually, again, she sings well (not great, but well). I think the song is wrong for her (too big), but she actually has a really nice voice. It's only when she stops singing that I want to pelt the TV with remote controls and badgers. The judges seem almost disappointed that she's calm. I think they were expecting Crazy Tatiana.

This is actually a bit discomforting as the judges try to prod her into hysterics.

Danny "Sure Thing" Gokey is singing "Hero" by Mariah Carey. Big song choice. Listening to Danny, you get an idea about exactly what kind of an artist he will be--a multi-platinum record selling one. C'mon, how can you NOT like this guy. Great voice! Great performance! I have goosebumps. Judges should give a standing O for this.

Just Paula.

Judges are all ecstatic. Simon, less so, but that is just so there will be more impact when Simon jumps on the bandwagon later this season.

My rankings for the night:
1. Danny Gokey
2. Ricky Braddy
3. Ann Marie Boskovich
4. Anoop Desai
5. Alexis Grace
6. Michael Sarver
7. Tatiana Del Toro
8. Jackie Tohn
9. Stephen Fowler
10. Brent Keith
11. Casey Carlson
12. Stevie Wright

My Predictions:
Top Male: Danny Gokey
Top Female: Ann Marie Boskovich
Third Place: Anoop Desai

I think Ricky Braddy, Michael Sarver, Tatiana Del Toro, and Alexis Grace will get shots later on in the wild card.

Read more on "American Idol--Top 36--Group 1"


Heroes--Building 26

Okay. I think I liked this episode better than last week's, but it's not on my good list again yet.

Click below for more thoughts.

Okay, the bad first.

The whole subplot of the government wanting to pull the plug on imprisoning the freaks after it had already been given the green light seems a bit hokey. This is a transparent way for us to buy the inevitable President-sanctioned and -funded manhunt which will surely continue.

Claire and Noah still reciting the same lines since season two. We get it. Noah wants to protect and control Claire; Claire want the opposite of Noah.

After Ice Queen escapes, they bolt her up the exact same way again? Really? Geniuses. Yeah, I get the whole allowing her to escape for the big show, but c'mon. Why take chances?

And the good.

Ando and Hiro still entertain me though the whole going to India because the picture told them to was far-fetched.

Noah drugged and captured by our not-seen-this-episode Heroes with a vengeance was nice.

The Sylar and sidekick storyline was interesting.

And the meh.

I know that I am supposed to be really curious as to who Rebel (the one texting Claire and faxing Hiro and Ando in India) really is, but I really don't care. Since it has to be someone who would surprise us, it has to be Mama Petrelli. At least that's my guess.

The ever-ironic soundtrack that is Sylar's car radio is a bit much. "Born to be Wild" and "Psycho Killer?" Couldn't they get the rights for the song "I'm Going to Slice Open Your Head If You Don't Cooperate?"

Alex, the new comic shop character, seems interesting and could be a love interest for Claire, but we have seen what Claire's love interests have become. Have we seen Flying Boy lately? Aqua Boy could share the same demise.

Overall, this was better for me than last week's, but I still want more to happen at a quicker pace. We spent a good portion of this episode on convincing the government to buy in on the project when we were satisfactorily convinced that they were already in.

Next week we get to explore Noah's inner-workings, and it better be more than what we already know. I just feel sometimes that the show travels the same roads we have already traveled on. I just feel that we need something to shake up the expected.

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American Idol--Group 1 Preview

Click below to see the 12 performing Tuesday night.

It looks like a TOUGH group to make it through. If I understand the process (which I think I do), only three make it through this group based on votes. After three of these shows, we will have a wild card show giving us the other three, giving us the Top 12.

Alexis Grace
Anne Marie Boskovich
Anoop Desai
Brent Keith
Casey Carlson
Danny Gokey
Jackie Tohn
Michael Sarver
Ricky Braddy
Stephen Fowler
Stevie Wright
Tatiana Nicole Del Toro

I think Anoop and Danny are definites. Anne Marie Boskavich, Jackie Tohn, and Michael Sarver will probably fight for that last spot. I am curious to see who the judges praise through lackluster performances and which really good performances they slam.
Your thoughts?

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